Official Opening of Fladbury First School Millennium Link: The long-awaited official opening of Fladbury First School's Millennium Link finally took place on December 12. The opening ceremony was conducted by the Bishop of Worcester, the Right Reverend Peter Selby, shortly after 5pm.The Bishop said a prayer for the building and the children who will be learning in it, after which invitees filed through the new building and into the school hall. The invitees included members of the school staff, governors and PTA as well as participating Year 3 and Year 4 children and their parents. Once everyone was assembled in the hall, Mrs Ann Embury, the school Head Teacher, spoke of the school's gratitude to the people responsible for making the Millennium Link a reality. She said that the idea arose following a chance remark made by an inspector eight or nine years ago, that it was a pity that the classes in the two parts of the school were not joined. This idea was taken to heart by Lionel Hall, formerly the Head of Governors, and subsequently by Tim Leaver who succeeded him in the role. Later, plans were drawn up for extending the school hall, but money was unavailable. Then, priorities changed and Local Education Authority (LEA) representatives suggested a bigger scheme, and indicated that funding was now available. The idea for the Millennium Link was adopted. The scheme has involved money from the LEA, the diocese, and the DfEE. Mrs Embury went on to say that although Lionel Hall had passed away last year and Tim Leaver had moved with his family to the USA, they would both be delighted to see the what had been achieved. The Bishop then spoke and echoed Mrs Embury's comments, adding some thoughtful insights on the nature of a Link. He asked people to think about how a school is a link between people in a community and how the project of building the Link has linked so many people. He also pointed out how the school is a link between previous and future generations. He paid tribute to the people who had been involved in making it happen, stating that it was his job to sweep in and say 'you've done a wonderful job' but that a great deal of work had preceded this. He confessed that he gained 'great enjoyment out of being asked to open the building' and that he got a 'great buzz' from doing so. Robin Oldfield, the current Head of Governors, then spoke. He thanked an extensive number of people including the Bishop, Trisha Smith from the diocesan office, Tim Leaver, Lionel Hall and Ann Embury who has had the difficult job of running the school while the construction of the Link has been taking place. He also thanked Cath Clarke the school cleaner, Mike James the chair of the Fund raising committee and Duncan and Andrea Bailey who organised the Fun Run, raising over £1000 (this will hopefully become an annual event). He went on to say thank you to Paul Emsley the Treasurer of the Appeal, Pam Stubbs the chair of fundraising and the governors Penny and Alison. He praised the PCC for permitting Walkabout funds to go towards the school, and the Trustees Freddie and Dr Martin Ounsted. He also gave honourable mentions to the PTA, the school secretaries Pam Pike and Tessa Bailey and representatives of the LEA Steve Hatch, Anne Kelly and Robert Williams. And don't forget the builders! Mr Oldfield acknowledged that many others had been involved also and wished to thank everyone who had contributed in any way at all. Following the speeches Mrs Dexter introduced two songs, beautifully sung by the children, and then the children played 'Jingle Bells' on their recorders. Many of the adults joined in by singing the words. Finally the Millennium Cake, donated by Lawrence's of Evesham, was cut and eaten, and the champagne flowed. Invitees were then free to wander around the school to see the new facilities. These were unanimously agreed to be extremely impressive, with a lovely area for the children to work with computers, and a good sized office overlooking the entrance to the school. It is also quite difficult to 'see the join' of the new building and the old buildings. The Millennium Link succeeds completely in unifying the school. The following day at 10am a service of thanks was held for the Millennium Link at Fladbury Church and later the children conducted their own opening ceremony at the school. Four pupils simultaneously pulled the ribbons on the doors to the Link and the doors opened accompanied by a large cheer. The children then filed in and were permitted to see the inside of the Link for the first time (officially)!

Fladbury Village Hall Party: The Fladbury Village Hall party took place on December 15. The event was scaled down from previous years is terms of the catering, with the usual three course meal substituted by a ploughmans lunch. However, the event was as popular and high-spirited as ever, with the games providing rich entertainment.