THE decision to underwrite the £1.2 million cost of buying the Kidderminster site earmarked for an incinerator has been slammed by the leader of Wyre Forest District Council.

Councillor Mike Oborski said the vote by the Worcestershire County Council cabinet was "totally and completely unacceptable" and would severely damage public confidence in the impartiality of the authority.

The decision to underwrite the purchase of the Stourport Road site came in the confidential section of the cabinet meeting last Tuesday. It is understood the decision was carried by eight votes to two.

Mr Oborski, who is also a county councillor, said: "We're extremely unhappy with this decision. From the public point of view they don't see how at one and the same time, the same council can be opposing an application and yet helping the applicants to buy the site. Whether it's legal or not is not the issue."

The move has also been attacked by opposition group Stop Kidderminster Incinerator (SKI) which said it would be seeking legal advice.

A county council spokesman said details of the decision were confidential and the council was not able to comment in detail.

But he added: "It is not right to suggest our role as the local waste management authority compromises our ability to act fairly as a planning authority."

He said parliament had given the authority "two separate hats" to wear but the council had foreseen the dual role would present it with difficulties and had therefore sought legal advice.

He added: "For that reason, and to be seen to be acting as fairly as possible, our planning and waste management roles were delegated to separate officers.

"The cabinet's role is to consider matters from the waste management perspective and not planning and the planning committee's role is vice versa."

The appeal against the county council's rejection of the incinerator application will be considered at a planning inquiry in February.