THE headteacher of a Vale school has hit out at vandals who smashed a set of lights which had been installed for the safety of its pupils.

Gerry Hughes, of Badsey First School, said the destruction of the low level lights - within just 48 hours of their erection last Friday - was a "piece of pointless vandalism."

The set of eight lights, which surrounded the car park and playing field of the School Lane school, were destroyed sometime between 8pm last Saturday and 1am on Sunday.

Mr Hughes said: "This is the first piece of serious vandalism in the 14 years I have been at the school.

"I wouldn't have minded if it was children kicking a ball around on our playing field and they'd accidentally smashed one of the lights but this is more than that - it's systematic.

He said the lights had been fitted as a safety measure to illuminate an unlit path at the rear of the school by the side of the playing field.

He added that the school had carried out excavations costing at least £2,000 to fit the lights, which would cost several hundreds of pounds to replace.

He added: "I think that whoever destroyed them should replace them and I hope the police can catch whoever it was who did this."

PC Tom Iddon, rural beat manager, said the lights had cost somewhere between £800 and £1,000 and were so badly damaged they could not be repaired.

He said: "It's money the school can ill-afford nor should they have to pay for it just because of the actions of some mindless vandals. These lights were put there for the safety of 5-10 year olds and now their well-being has been put at risk."