TRADERS have rallied round to help a charity supporting an Alcester baby and others with rarely diagnosed illness, writes Helen Clarke.

Nine-month-old Charlie Anne Avery, of Arrow Crescent, has DiGeorge syndrome.

It is a congenital illness caused by missing genes on one of the 22nd chromosomes.

There is no known cause in 90 per cent of cases as neither parent will be affected.

A genetic test for the syndrome, the commonest cause of congenital heart defects after Downs syndrome, has only become available within the last few years.

Charlie Anne's family are supporting the Max Appeal by holding a raffle - which traders throughout the town have supported.

The appeal was created after baby Max Wootton, son of Julie and Paul Wootton, died in March 1999.

He had DiGeorge syndrome and died from overwhelming septicaemia aged just four months old.

Organisers, who all have personal knowledge of the illness, offer support to other mums and dads as the babies require a great deal of medical intervention and a lot of extra support and dedication from their parents.