COUNCILLOR Stephen Clee is a wonderful example of a nave politician.

In his letter headlined "Thousands duped in Railtrack Fiasco", he hasn't learnt one of the cardinal rules in politics - if you are in a hole, stop digging!

He claims the present government is to blame for duping many thousands of shareholders over the Railtrack fiasco. What he omits to mention is that it was the last Tory Government which set the whole deal up.

Blaming the present Government for calling a halt to the many hundreds of millions pounds of taxpayers' money that were just being channelled into profits to the shareholders of Railtrack is like blaming Tony Blair for the exploits of Genghis Khan.

Creating a false market in shares? That's a bit rich from a bunch of politicians that virtually gave the railways away to private enterprises.


The progressive worsening of public services had its roots in the Tory philosophy of under- funding to lessen the tax burden and privatising to give their friends in the city a good subsidy from the taxpayer.

If any blame is to be laid at the door of the present government it is that they did not step in sooner to stop the indecent profits being made at the expense of the safety and efficiency of our, what is now, Third World railway system.

Listen to the voters Councillor Clee - don't try to preach to them.


Drakes Broughton,

