IN response to the "residents want end to play area misery" article (Malvern Gazette, November 30), I felt shocked and angry that a few local people would deny the use of this beautiful park to children who want to use it as it was intended, for having fun, not to abuse it.

As a registered childminder, and a mother of two boisterous toddlers, I feel everyone would agree that such play areas are essential for a child to develop physical skills and to burn off excess energy.

The location of the Avon Close park is ideal as it is within walking distance for many small children and has a beautiful view of the Hills. Its private, enclosed borders also offer parents peace of mind that young children cannot escape very easily. Indeed, in my opinion, this park has always been one of the best kept play areas this side of Malvern, which is why I frequent it so often. Other nearby parks such as Dukes Meadow are much more vandalised with glass littering the ground, and saliva deliberately left on the seats of the swings.

Perhaps the solution is to tackle vandalism in parks, not simply move the parks. Maybe ensuring the parks are inaccessible after dusk or providing more activities for bored teenagers is the answer.

I do feel strongly that if the local residents had pre-school age children then they would not be so keen to move the park elsewhere. I feel that if their protest continues then there will be a lot of opposition from those who have children who use the park regularly.

MS LISA KELLY, Barnards Green.