HEARTS will be singing out on Monday for a 12-month-old baby girl fighting for her life against cancer.

The evening is to be dedicated to Catrin Edwards, from Honeybourne, who was diagnosed with terminal cancer in October.

The Avon Singers are to present the evening of Christmas music and carols at Pershore Abbey starting at 7.30pm - the proceeds of which will be going to the Birmingham Children's Hospital.

Her mum, Sarah, is a member of the Avon Singers and has taken her daughter to rehearsals while pregnant, through breastfeeding and, more recently, when Catrin was too ill to be parted from her.

Catrin is currently at home after undergoing intensive chemotherapy with the hope of extending and improving her quality of her life.

Mrs Edwards said: "She is doing really well - smiling, laughing, chatting and blowing raspberries. The scan results from Friday show that the tumour is responding to chemo. The doctors still say that Catrin's cancer is incurable but are predicting a longer life span with this news."

Mrs Edwards and her husband, Alun, have been spending a great deal of time at Catrin's bedside at Birmingham Children's Hospital and are very appreciative of the nursing staff who care for her. They also have an elder son, Ethan - nearly three - who they had been forced to be parted from while at the hospital but was being ably looked after by his grandparents.

The forthcoming concert, the couple say, gives them something else to think about and they hope that they and Catrin will be able to attend. The little girl always loved the hubbub of rehearsals. Mrs Edwards said: "Catrin loved all the goings on and singing - the basses in particular seem to hold her attention. Some songs sent her to sleep while others made her sit up and applaud."

Spokesman for Avon Singers, Jim Powell, said: "This poignant story of a sick child will bring a greater meaning to Christmas for the singers and those who may like to come to the beautiful Pershore Abbey for the concert." Tickets at £5, but free to children, will be available at the door. Also performing with the Avon Singers will be the Junior Springfield Choir from Worcester.