THE Rev D G Griffin (You Say, November 28) seems to imply that all Muslims are terrorists because of the actions of a few fanatics on September 11.

Well, let me put it to him that if that if that is his reasoning then would be justifiable to label the whole of Christendom "terrorists or fundamentalists" because of the actions of say David Koresh and his Christian followers who murdered hundreds in Waco.

How about if we label all "Reverends" and the clergy as "evil" and "mass murderers" because in 1979 the Rev Jim Jones killed 900 of his followers in Guyana?

Christianity has absolutely no right to attack other faiths and beliefs when their own history is so fundamentally flawed in human rights abuses. On the one hand, the Church speaks of love, kindness and humility and on the other, it has shown to be the most brutal, uncompromising and ungodly of all faiths.

We only have to look back to the Crusaders who, in the name of Christ, killed millions of their own and even more Muslims and Jews.

History shows that Christians, wherever their abode, whether Crusaders, Spanish Catholics or Byzantines, have butchered more people than the rest of the world put together.

He further attacks the Holy Qur'aan and its teachings with absolutely no basis or evidence whatsoever. It's frightening that a man of his position holds these views.

He did, however, to his credit, acknowledge that the Bible has "always been open to criticism" - not surprising when you consider that there are more than 50,000 contradictions in the Bible and over the 2,000 different versions of the text, of which no two are the same. So much for it being the true word of God.


Albert Road,
