THE recent articles concerning the council's attempts to obtain a cinema for Kidderminster, make for depressing reading.

In effect it seems that Centros Miller has the council over a barrel. It was quite a revelation to see that they need a 14 per cent return on their investment. Wouldn't we all?

Why did the council not insist on the provision of a cinema in town centre redevelopment before any deal was approved?

Now it looks like yet another part of our heritage has to be sacrificed, and council money invested in a cinema, which should have been provided for by the developer.

Still, all is not lost. The council still owns the fine old magistrates court building at the end of Worcester Street.

It could possibly make an ideal art gallery and/or live music/performing arts venue.

I am sure the council is exploring all possible uses for this well-known landmark of Kidderminster.

I shall be looking forward to developments with interest.


Wolverley Road
