WARNDON Parish Council has grudgingly agreed to contribute towards alterations to a roundabout to give drivers a clear view of oncoming traffic.

Members have been asking Worcester City Council to take action for the past 18 months to cut back shrubs on the roundabout at Woodgreen Drive and Mill Wood Drive near the Warndon branch of Tesco.

In July, following pressure from the parish council, the city council spent £1,500 cutting back vegetation in an attempt to improve visibility.

But only plants within 2ft of the edge of the roundabout were lopped, and then only to a height of 3ft.

Parish council members argued this was pointless because the plants in the middle were still able to grow taller and were obscuring motorists' and pedestrians' vision.

After a closed meeting with officers from the city council last month, plans were put forward to cut back the shrubs in the middle of the roundabout.

The parish council was later told this would cost £3,160. With £1,400 remaining in the budget from the city council to tend the roundabouts, the parish council would have to contribute the remaining £1,700.

"Why should we pay when they got it wrong in the first place," complained council member Yvonne Griffiths.

But her colleagues agreed something had to be done.

When chairman Maurice Clutterbuck asked if members were in favour of spending the money, member Andrew Philpott replied: "grudgingly".

Members agreed on the condition they would be told exactly what would be done and when, and how much each part would cost.

"We still want it broken down and how much it will cost," said Mr Clutterbuck.

"We should ask for confirmation of exactly what it is they will do and not just take it for granted," said council member Frank Lauriello.