A BANK robber who escaped with cash from a Leominster bank has been jailed for five years.

Matthew Whiles passed a note to terrified staff at the town's NatWest branch, warning that he had a gun in his rucksack and demanding cash.

He fled after a "substantial" sum was handed over.

Detectives discovered he had bought the gun and rucksack from Hereford the day before the robbery on Thursday, January 18.

They had a further breakthrough when they searched a car dumped in Cornwall and discovered that it belonged to Whiles.

West Mercia police joined forces with the Devon and Cornwall force after bank bags and money slips with NatWest Leominster printed on them were found inside the car.

It was later proved that Whiles and his partner-in-crime had carried out a similar robbery in Redruth, Cornwall.

The 27-year-old, originally from Ross-on-Wye, was arrested and charged with both robberies on January 29. He pleaded guilty at the first opportunity.

Detectives who tracked Whiles down said they wanted his sentence to serve as a warning to would-be criminals.

"We hope the length of this sentence, placed on a first-time offender, will send out a strong message to anyone contemplating such a crime," said Det Sgt Dave Williams, senior investigating officer.