THE Matchborough vicar who accused Pagans of worshipping Satan now claims the popular Harry Potter books and smash hit film are 'Satan's ploy to make evil look innocent.'

The Rev Andy Kelso, of Christ Church, is warning parents and teachers of the perils of the Harry Potter phenomenon and questions whether it is 'harmless children's fantasy or something more evil', writes Melina Cannon

Mr Kelso said: "The reader will find occult themes and symbols occurring in Harry Potter - meditation, black magic, curses and spells, divination and sorcery, occult symbols, reincarnation, demon possessions, seasonal or nature celebrations, communing with the dead, shape changing and the tools of witchcraft."

Mr Kelso added the books and film made witchcraft appealing to youngsters who are encouraged to visit film giant Warner Bros' website.

He said: "Through this, they can then access lots of occult websites and learn how to cast real spells and learn more about occult practices.

"This is so dangerous because there is power in the occult, but it's evil power that will seek to control a person, leading them into all sorts of addictions."

Mr Kelso said there was a rise in witchcraft, the occult and paganism and Wicca was a recognised religion in the US.

He said: "Behind it all is Satan, the arch enemy of God, who delights in deception and lies and wants to pervert the lives of our children.

"For more details on the dangers of Harry Potter please contact Penfold Books, PO Box 25, Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 4GL or telephone 01869 249574."