REDDITCH Community Transport's operations manager could launch a new transport company as early as next month after high-level talks with town businessmen on Monday.

Ron Hale is set to run limited company Responsive Community Transport from RCT's former base at Pipers Road and six businesses from Redditch, Worcester and Bromsgrove have agreed to stump up £3,000 to get the new venture off the ground.

The businesses include Prudden Road Surfacing Ltd, Third Party Solutions Ltd, and the Litten Tree, Market Place, which will sponsor Responsive Community Transport in return for advertising space on a fleet of about four minibuses.

RCT's parent charity RCVS may lend its support in name only after the meeting on Monday between chairman Robert Rainbow, Mr Hale and Tom Brown, of RCT, and businessmen, but this is due to be confirmed this week after talks with RCVS committee members.

Anyone interested in sponsoring the company can call Mr Rainbow on 68403.