DEAR EDITOR - I read with interest the front-page story "Brave woman slams police over attacks" in your Droitwich edition last month.

As a serving police officer in the local force, but not covering Droitwich, I sympathise with the lady reporting the lack of police attendance, however must point out that due to lack of resources nowadays incidents do have to be prioritised.

I too have experienced eggs thrown at my house. However, would she prefer police to respond to her or to the robbery of the local shop, burglary of an elderly person, or serious/fatal road traffic collision.

Unfortunately officers in the response-role have to respond to all these incidents, along with the seasonal problems, children with fireworks, children being too noisy in the street etc.

We do try our best and we do try and attend incidents where the offenders have been apprehended. We too would like to catch these people and stop the problem, thus reducing our workload, however we are not superman or woman.

At present, officers are working numerous hours overtime to try and assist with the demand on our services, our family lives suffer due to lack of home life and yes, our morale also suffers because of constant criticism in the media.

We do try, and we will continue to try, but resources, or lack of them, is a real issue throughout this force area and throughout the country.

Please please give us a chance and please remember the thousands of incidents we do get to, do catch the offenders, and do resolve for the victim.

Serving police officer.

(Name and address supplied).