DEAR EDITOR - Congratulations to the Beacon Hill campaigners on their success against the planning application to build five houses behind them on Beacon Hill

It is very interesting to read that our councillors were also against the proposed vandalism of the trees yet 300-400 yards away as the evicted birds would fly it would appear that the builder responsible for the Whetty Lane development can chainsaw away merrily without any objection.

I have been unable to obtain as much as an acknowledgement of my letters to the "Treeman" at the planning department at Bromsgrove District Council regarding the possible further destruction of the last few perfectly healthy trees on this site so that the builder can squeeze another one or maybe two houses onto his already enlarged development.

Finally a word of caution to the Beacon Hill campaigners the builders will be back and if recent experiences in Whetty Lane are anything to go by they will end up doing exactly what they want and you too could be living in a tree free zone.

Martin J Harrison,

Whetty Lane,


(via e-mail).