A HEALTH watchdog has launched a massive lobbying campaign to stop eye services being moved from the Alexandra Hospital, writes Becky Procter.

Redditch and Bromsgrove Community Health Council is deeply concerned ophthalmology services will be based at Worcester and Kidderminster rather than Redditch.

At a meeting last Wednesday, CHC members gave full backing to lobby Government officials, Redditch Council, Worcestershire County Council and MPs for support.

The news comes after the Advertiser and Alexandra's League of Friends successfully led an appeal which, through the generosity of readers, raised £70,000 for an eye laser at the Alexandra.

Despite the retiring chairman of Worcestershire NHS Acute Hospitals Trust Harold Musgrove assuring the laser would stay put, the CHC is not convinced.

During last week's meeting, CHC chief officer Moira Morris said: "It was felt there was a bias towards two centres from the discussions we had with the trust.

"And the view that seemed to come across, although nothing has been decided, was that Worcester and Kidderminster were the preferred sites for the service."

Libby Mellor, of Worcestershire NHS Acute Hospitals Trust, said: "On behalf of the trust we would ensure full consultation before any services were altered in any shape or form."