KIND shoppers are being warned to steer clear of a new breed of charity collectors at work in Droitwich Spa.

Wychavon District Council is concerned that residents are giving personal bank details to street canvassers urging passers-by to make charitable donations by direct debit.

The authority is responsible for licensing street collections.

Charities collecting cash must have a licence, submit accounts and are subject to background checks.

However, Wychavon has no control over the new collectors because no money changes hands.

The council's environmental health officer, Graham Simms, said: "As there are no checks on the honesty or integrity of the companies involved, we urge people to consider the risks of divulging their personal banking details to complete strangers.

"Also collectors are likely to be paid for their efforts and must tell people how much of the collection they will receive."

Anyone concerned should call Mr Simms on 01386 565209.