LEON the lonely goose is pining for his partner, Matilda, who has been snatched from their happy home near Droitwich Spa.

The much-loved pet was taken from Martin Hussingtree and her worried owners, the Davies family, suspect foul play.

Matilda, aged one, is a Dewlap Toulouse goose. She is white and grey and has been living with Leon and married mum-of-two Wendy Davies for four months.

The pair cost more than £200 and are quite rare.

Matilda was taken from a shed on Wednesday November 21 and Leon has been wandering around like a "lost soul" ever since.

Wendy told the Advertiser: "They were joined at the hip.

"I can't believe someone could be so cruel and separate them.

"They are very big birds -- once seen, never forgotten.

"At this time of year, I suspect Matilda may have been taken for the dinner table.

"However, she is a show bird and not bred for consumption -- she's all fat.

"We're all missing her very much and just want Matilda back at home with Leon where she belongs."

The family are offering a small reward to anyone who can give police information leading to the safe return of Matilda.

Call Droitwich police on (01905) 723888 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.