A BROMSGROVE cancer patient is urging people across the county to support Children's Cancer Awareness Month.

Lizzi Cross wants people to back the event, organised by The Cancer Research Campaign, to raise cash to help find a cure for cancer.

Lizzi was struck down with a rare tumour earlier this year at the age of just 15.

She was admitted to hospital with severe stomach pains, and after investigation doctors found a tumour the size of a small football attached to one of her kidneys.

Two months of extensive chemotherapy helped reduce the size of the tumour before it was removed in surgery.

More chemotherapy and radiotherapy have helped Lizzi, from the Broom Park area of the town, on the way to recovery, and she managed to get 11 GCSEs despite her illness.

"When we discovered I had cancer I was shocked and went through a range of emotions," said the South Bromsgrove High School pupil.

"I was even more upset when I had chemotherapy and my long hair fell out.

"You have to be positive and control the cancer and not let it control you.

"I hope there will be a cure for cancer soon and my family and friends can make a difference."

Children's Cancer Awareness Month is being held throughout December.

Lizzi's older brother Adam was so moved by her plight he has signed up to a trek in Peru to raise funds for the campaign.

Other suggested events to help the charity include a dress down day at school or in the office, mince pie sales or carol singing.

For more information on events call Graham at the charity on 0121 212 1707.