WHILE every sympathy must go to city traders suffering from the effects of homeless people on city streets and although applaud your We Say article on Page 6, to call them street rejects is a disgrace.

With regard to using doorways as toilets, perhaps the problem could be eased a little if the council didn't close the two city toilets from 7pm to 7am each day, the reason being, as I heard on local radio, to keep them clean for normal people.

St Paul's Hostel, Maggs Day Centre and St Paul's Church are about all the support these unfortunates have got. I know from personal experience that the small dedicated group at St Paul's church give their free time and limited resources, week in and week out.

Perhaps it's time to give some support and help to the helpers. Perhaps it's time to remember that homeless people, no matter what circumstances caused them to become homeless, are human beings, and with all the current economic ups and downs but for the Grace of God go we.


St John's,
