VICE-chairman Dr Adrian Madge began the September meeting with a minute's silence for those killed in the terrorist attacks in America.

Speaker Alan Brewin talked about his business of small book publishing.

He was the publisher of Alcester's superb millennium book last year.

Mr Brewin, a Foundation Scholar at King Edward's School, Birmingham, read foreign languages, developing a love of classical literature and a great interest in books.

After National Service in the Middle East, he became an accountant and company secretary. However, 20 years ago he launched his venture into small book publishing, settling on the niche market of Midlands people and places.

Success in this area brought him commissions from other sources so that now his scope is much wider.

He explained how difficult it was to predict which, among the many brought to him, would be good sellers and a profitable investment.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, November 20, at 8pm, downstairs at Alcester Town Hall when Sir William Lawrence will be speaking about tourism. Everyone welcome.