REMEMBRANCE SERVICE: The local Remembrance Day Parade and Service will be on Sunday and the parade will assemble at Drapers at 10.30am.

EMMANS COURSE: The Rector, the Rev Matthew Baynes, has given notice that an Emmans Course will be run in the near future. Many questions spring to mind during these very worrying times, and maybe you would like to discuss these in a Christian context. If you are interested to find out more, please phone 772237.

CHRISTMAS SHOE BOX: If you would like to bring some Christmas cheer to a child in the Balkans, then you may like to phone 772272 to find out details of this year's scheme. There are also leaflets at the back of the church.

1ST BREDON SCOUT GROUP: It is great to hear of the various activities of the local Cubs this summer. Sadly, the Beaver colony had to be suspended earlier this year because there was no leader. If you could lend support in this valuable work, please phone 773441 or 773518.

CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP: The ever energetic Viv Ebbage is stepping forward once again, this time to run a Christmas Workshop on December 8. It is hoped that a large number of young people will take part in the activity filled workshop run by the Church of St Giles. The Workshop, which will run from 9am to noon in the church is open to anyone of roughly primary school age at the cost of £2.50 per child. Since a large response is anticipated you are urged to book early by phoning 773549, 772237 or 772533.

HEDGES: Residents who have properties which border on to footpaths might be kind enough to consider trimming their hedges which overhang the paths. The warm damp autumn has seen a huge growth in most plants, and the brambles are no exception. In some cases these are dangling down perilously close to eye level, which is a cause for danger, especially after dark.

GARDEN CLUB: If you are a keen gardener, or if you just find the subject endlessly fascinating from the depth of your armchair, why not consider joining the Beckford and District Gardening Club which meets once a month through the winter months. In October we enjoyed a very informative talk on fruit growing which gave plenty of inspiration for seasonal planting and care of existing fruit trees and shrubs. The November meeting is at Beckford Village Hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday, 21. The talk will be on the Gardens of Gloucestershire.