HAVING read the articles regarding the gay sex row at St John's Church, Kidderminster, surely the point that many people seem to have missed is that Charles Raven is not a revolutionary, urging people to believe something that is new and unheard of.

He is only standing by what it clearly says in the Bible (Romans chapter 1 verses 24-26) that homosexuality is a sin.

It may be more popular nowadays to ignore awkward bits of the Bible, but if we can choose to disregard what we don't like, it will make the Bible worthless.

I have nothing against homosexuals, but I can see that the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin and I would not presume to say that in 2001 God said that we could ignore that bit.

The Bible also says that adultery is a sin and that men and women are married for life except when separated by death, and there are many vicars who refuse to marry divorcees because of this. But these vicars are not villified and threatened with losing their livelihood.

If some people choose to ignore parts of the Bible, it is up to them and their consciences. But it is hardly fair for them to condemn the vicar and those who agree with him, who are prepared to obey God's teaching no matter how difficult it may be at times to do so.


Sutton Park Rise, Kidderminster