ACCORDING to the latest government reports climate change is definitely happening and faster than ever!

We shall probably see greater flooding and freak weather as a result of this it is most important that all of us support measures to help reduce CO2 emissions, which are the greatest contributor to global warming. Voting for the new Home Energy Conservation Bill, which MPs can do on November 30 will help. The Bill ensures that 30% improvements in energy efficiency in houses are met by 2010. This will obviously also make them cheaper to run.

Most of the major political parties claim to now be 'green'. Let's see just how true that is now by making sure our local MPs vote in support of this bill. Readers should lobby them and their local councillors, who could propose a resolution, at the next council meeting, in support of the Bill.

Many fine words have been spoken by politicians on the environment but actions speak louder than words!

JOHN LEWIS, Press Officer, Vale of Evesham Green Party, Upper Walcot Farm, Drakes Broughton, Pershore.