THE letters from Councillor Denham and Joy Turner (You Say, October 24) made interesting reading.

Neither of them seem to know the difference of being an Independent. I only wish there were more of them. Perhaps next May, who knows?

It takes a strong, straight-thinking type of person to stand as an independent. I thought, Joy Turner, that was in your husband's mind when he chose to resign the Labour Whip and storm out of the council chamber in disgust at the Labour Group's attitude when his Mayoral term of office was over.

I thought then that he would have gone over to the Independents. He would not have been alone, you know. Even now, it's not too late.

When you castigate Colin Layland and write of sour grapes, think about the poisoned chalice offered to him in the past. It's little wonder that he rightly chose to be Independent.

FRANK POOLE, former City Councillor, St John's, Worcester.