A MIXTURE of drag queen, Freddie Mercury and Rudolph Nureyev, Ennio Marchetto brought his charming set of theatrical send-up to Malvern Theatres last Saturday.

Contrary to his undoubted campness, the Venetian entertainer used his simplistic, throwaway paper costumes to great effect.

On first taking the stage, a sense of anti-climax rocked the audience realising Ennio's own voice would never be heard as he mimed along to the rollicking roller coaster of audio accompaniment. The disappointment soon fell by the wayside as his transforming costumes, movements and expressions created impressions so realistic that it felt as if he really were belting out Witney, Stevie Wonder, Alanis Morrisette and Peggy Lee.

Send-ups of Gene Kelly, Doris Day and the Three Tenors were lost on the few children in the audience but, as Ennio appeared as Eminem, a roar of laughter erupted whose chuckles continued through topical imitations of Kylie in revealing white trouser suit, Britney Spears and stripping cowgirl Madonna.

In the end, Ennio showed himself to be an utterly stylish evocateur of the ridiculous, showing up both the unique brilliance of each star and illustrating how imitation can often be better than the real thing.

Ally Hardy