1801: Thomas Page returns his most sincere thanks to the Nobility, Gentry and to the Public in general for the very liberal support he has experienced at the Lion Inn, Upton-on-Severn these 10 years and also at the Hop Pole Inn, Tewkesbury for the last four years.

He begs leave to respectfully inform them that he has quit the Hop Pole and is now wholly resident at the Lion Inn where he hopes to merit the continuance of the favours of those who patronise this establishment.

Ladies Straw Hats and Bonnets made in the most fashionable manner and to any size and shape, also cleaned and altered in the best manner, at Worsley's Straw Hat Manufactory in The Butts, Worcester.

J. Russell respectfully informs his friends and the public that he has removed his Tea Warehouse from No.27 The Cross to No.4, nearly opposite, and has laid on a large assortment of excellent teas from the East India Company.

1901: Dr Edward Elgar's new Overture Cockaigne which was so greatly admired when first presented at a Philharmonic concert a few months ago, was performed again at this week's Richter Concert in London. The re-hearing served to deepen the favourable impression of the work and, needless to say, Dr Hans Richter obtained a really magnificent rendering.

Kate Moseley of St Martin's Gate was sent to prison for seven days by Worcester Magistrates for being drunk and disorderly in Silver Street. PC Short said she was "nasty drunk and caused a crowd to gather. However, the defendant claimed: I was not drunk I never have anything to drink. She complained too that PC Short had grabbed her arm painfully but admitted she had not been polite in shouting "the pig ought to be out where the Boers are!" As PC Short went to escort Moseley to the cells, she said Don't touch me or I will land you one.

1951: Worcestershire can lay claim to a close interest in the new Conservative Cabinet with the appointment of Sir Walter Monckton as Minister of Labour. Sir Walter and Lady Monckton live in the 400-years-old black and white Priors Court at Callow End, and he is President of the South Worcestershire Conservative Association and President of Callow End Football Club.

At the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre all next week, the Old Vic Company with Donald Wolfit starring in the 18th Century comedy The Clandestine Marriage.

Dr Wyndham Parker is to retire at the end of 1951 after holding his appointment as County Medical Officer of Health for Worcestershire for a-quarter-of-a-century.

Malvern Hills Conservators have vigorously rejected an Midlands Electricity Board application to erect a temporary overhead line across the hills into Herefordshire.