THE father of two sons horrifically injured in a fireworks accident has called for the explosives to be banned.

The man, who has asked not to be named to protect the identity of his sons, is calling for fireworks to be withdrawn from general sale and only made available to people organising proper public displays.

His two sons, aged 20 and 12, were still in hospital today following Monday's accident on the cricket pitch by Evendine Close in Worcester.

They were injured, along with a 14-year-old friend, when a large firework went out and they returned to re-light it, their father said.

As they reached it, the firework went off, leaving the 20-year-old with serious facial burns and the 12-year-old with an eye injury.

Specialists at Birmingham Eye Hospital have told the sport-loving youngster that he will probably lose the sight in the eye, although an operation could save it.

"This was a big firework - big enough to kill someone in other circumstances," said the father.

"Luckily, it didn't happen. But I still have one son who'll be scarred and another who may lose his sight in one eye, which is tragic.

"He's sports mad but we're going to have to see how this affects him.

"I want fireworks taken off the market. We should only allow people with a safety certificate to buy them. Perhaps that will stop accidents like this from happening."

His elder son may leave Birmingham's Selly Oak Hospital next week, if his progress continues. But the 12-year-old is staying in.

The 14-year-old friend was released from Worcester's Ronkswood Hospital soon after the accident with minor facial burns.

His father has also led calls for a ban on fireworks since the incident and is organising a petition within the community.