As most local residents are already aware, West Malvern Post Office will be closing for an indefinite period from 1.00pm on Monday. The good news, however, is that the closure may only be for a relatively short time.

The Post Office is committed to maintaining a service in the village, and strenuous efforts, involving both individuals and organisations, are currently in progress to try and secure the continuation of this valued facility, even if only on a part-time basis. Meantime all the equipment, safe etc will remain on the present premises until the outcome of negotiations is known.

There is general regret that things have not worked out in the business for Paul and Mandy Clarke, and everyone will wish them well for the future.

Queen Victoria will rule once more in West Malvern tomorrow (Saturday). The Society of Friends of St James's invite you to "Come into the Parlour" at the Anstruther Hall at St James's School at 7.30pm for a Miscellany of Victoriana which promises to show the great monarch and some of her subjects in a completely new light!

A large cast of actors and musicians, many of them household names (well, at least in West Malvern!), has been assembled by producer Gwyn Klee and musical director John Raine.

The show will last about 1 hours plus an interval with refreshments. Adult admission is £5 (concessions £3), children under 12 free. All proceeds will go to the Friends of St James's Church in aid of the church roof restoration fund.

Miss Maud Biggin, who for many years has 'recycled' Christmas and other greetings cards to raise funds for St James's Church, has sadly had to give up owing to failing eyesight. However Bill and Joyce Roberts are to carry on the work, and a new selection of their cards is now available in the Church at 20p each.