AT last Sunday's morning service at St Peter's Church, baby April Emily Maxwell of Lower Wick was baptised and welcomed into the church by Rev David Nichol. During the service the choir sang Ave Verum by Elgar, accompanied on the organ by Sally Lindsey.

Tomorrow (Saturday) Powick Parish Ramblers are meeting at St Michael's Church, Little Witley (car parking at the village hall). Lunch can be arranged, please ring Pat and Bill Ash on 01905 830084 for further details. Please meet at 10am prompt.

Another walk has been arranged for Thursday, November 1, meeting at 10.15am at the free car park in Bridge Street (right at the swimming pool). This will be a town walk, further information from Rita de Boer.

Link Nurseries, off Hospital Lane, is the venue for a coffee morning on Thursday ,November 1 from 10am till noon. Coffee is free but plants (both indoor and outdoor) will be on sale, plus a raffle. Orders will be taken for Christmas holly wreaths, table decorations and Hyacinth bowls.

Dancing to the sounds of the sixties and seventies will take place in Powick Parish Hall on Saturday, November 10 from 8pm. Tickets are now on sale priced £5 and are in aid of Powick Playing Field Association, they are available from committee members.