TOMORROW (Saturday), Outer Limits, the benefice church youth group, will be meeting from 7pm-9pm at Longdon vicarage. We shall be rehearsing for the next youth service on Sunday, November 4 at Castlemorton, in addition to the usual games, food and conversation. New members are always welcome.

On Sunday, October 28, there will be a family service in St Mary's Church at 10am. All ages welcome, including young children and the service will last for about 35 minutes.

The first of the new alternative worship services for the benefice, called Kaleidoscope, will also take place on Sunday at 6.30pm in Queenhill Church. The service will not be liturgical and will not use a 'service book'. The style will be informal and hopefully welcoming, not only to committed Christians, but also to those who are just interested. Music will be an important element and we shall depend initially on the wide range of high quality modern worship songs available on CD. Much of this will be new to many people, but there will be a mix both of lively and more reflective items, including classical music as well as contemporary worship songs. Our youth group hope to participate and to offer drama, dance and other contributions. We shall include, over a period of time, interviews, book reviews, film clips and new ways of presenting the Christian Faith. The reading of passages of Scripture will be followed by an address, which will include the opportunity to raise questions and to encourage discussion and debate. A key aim will be to try to respond to the needs of those who are drawn to the Christian Faith but are not sure what they believe. Each service will end with refreshments, giving a further opportunity for discussion or just to relax with friends.

The benefice magazine will be printed and assembled in Longdon vicarage on Tuesday. The assembly team will arrive at 2.30pm, extra hands will always be welcome.

A cake and flower demonstration and talk will be given by Beryl Griffith, on Tuesday in Longdon Village Hall at 8pm. There will be ideas (with practical demonstrations) for Christmas cakes and flower decorations. Tickets £3 (£2 concs) including entry to the raffle of all products demonstrated.

Longdon Churchwomen's Fellowship will be meeting in Longdon Village Hall on Wednesday at 7.30pm when Wendy Treble will talk on Boating for the disabled.