THE monthly whist drive was held in the village hall on Wednesday. Winners were: P Baxter, M Millington, D Quiney, C Skirten, Mrs Hopkins, R Hartley, G Quiney, M Harley, L Quiney, A Peters, B Jones and D Bartlett.

In the absence of Don Warren and Norman Pittman, Mr J Skirten kindly acted as MC for which we thank him. Don should be well and back in charge for the next whist drive, which will be held on Wednesday, November 14 at 8pm.

A reminder of the Halloween dance which will be held on Friday, November 2, tickets £7, including supper available from Betty Greenwood 01684 299542 or John Wilkes 01684 293435, proceeds to village hall.

A little advance notice of the Christmas bazaar to be held in the village hall on Saturday, December 8 at 4pm, in aid of Bushley Church, more details nearer the date.