OFFICERS at County Hall have been practising to produce the longest single piece of apple peel in preparation for a competition next weekend.

The Peel for Victory competition is part of the Skills on Show festival, a free celebration of the county's rural heritage, arts crafts and musical talent at County Hall.

The apple peel competition has been arranged by the Worcestershire Orchard Forum to raise awareness of orchards, which have suffered in recent years.

Other attractions will include face painters transforming youngsters into their favourite countryside characters during the event.

Coppicing, woodturning and fruit will all feature in the Discovering Worcestershire marquee, which is dedicated to showcasing the benefits of the countryside.

The free festival will be held from 10am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday, November 3 and 4.

Visitors will be shown how woodland management can create garden trellises, bird boxes, walking sticks - and even hurdles for athletes.

"Skills on Show is a celebration of all the best elements of our county, and the countryside is one of our finest assets, not to mention part of our heritage and culture," said Stephen Clee, Worcestershire County Council's cabinet member for culture and community.