THE AGM was held on October 10 in the newly refurbished hall, which members agreed was a vast improvement.

The president thanked all members who had helped to make this possible.

A group meeting takes place on November 8 at Upton Snodsbury and a seniors' outing to Bourton-on-the-Water has places available.

On November 21 a talk, Travel Through Fashion, at Lippard Grange, Worcester, takes place and there is a friendly skittles match against Wyre Piddle on October 23.

President Jenny Cox gave her report and thanked all committee members for their work.

Kath Cresswell, who has written the press reports for a number of years, has resigned and was thanked.

Secretary Rosemary Roberts read the annual report of the year's activities and treasurer Marion Collins presented the audited accounts.

Jenny was re-elected as president and all other committee members remain the same.

At next month's meeting there will be a talk on Scotland's history and wildlife.