DEAR EDITOR - I refer to a recent letter regarding the closure of Droitwich Household Waste Site, and would like to clarify the following for the benefit of your readers.

The refurbishment of the household waste site will involve major civil engineering works to develop a split-level facility, i.e. members of the public will be able to drive up a ramp and deposit their waste into hoppers rather than using steps. The waste will be compacted into large enclosed containers leading to a reduction in the number of lorries needed to service the site.

The works will also include resurfacing, construction of staff buildings, drainage works and new fencing. Increased recycling facilities will also be provided. The site access is also being improved and relocated to give better visibility. The need to ensure the public's safety whilst using the site is paramount and because of the restricted size of the household waste site and the scale of works being undertaken it is not considered safe or practical to operate a reduced level of service.

We have investigated provision of a temporary facility on the former landfill site adjacent to the household waste site but this would also require major engineering as well as permission from the Environment Agency, which was not provided. Complete closure of the site will allow the works to be completed within the fastest possible timescale.

Whilst there is never an ideal time to close a household waste site we are now entering a less busy period i.e. outside the main gardening season, which should lessen the impact.

Additional re-cycling banks for paper, cans and glass have been provided at the Vernon Arms in Hanbury to handle this element of the waste stream.

Finally, the number of household waste sites provided within Worcestershire is greater, and the distance to travel between sites is generally less, than those of adjacent councils.

Whilst I sympathise with your writer's comments, I hope the residents of Droitwich will appreciate that, in the long term, refurbishment of the site will provide council tax payers with a greatly improved service in the future.

Mrs J I Harper,

Waste Manager,

Worcestershire County Council.