M Kershaw (Postbag, September 7) demonstrates a common trait in those keen on the EU - a lack of knowledge of the current scenario and a failure to learn from historic mistakes.

An EU superstate is far more likely to cause unrest in Europe than to prevent it. Most wars result from the desire of an ethnic group to regain its independence and identity from an unnaturally formed political "state".

It is only necessary to look think of the USSR and Yugoslavia to realise that. The British Empire was itself dismantled because of a natural desire of its member states for independence. The only way to hold these unnatural states together in by the total control of their population, which is exactly what the EU is trying to achieve.

In common with the vast majority, members of the UK Independence Party have a very simple wish for our country, which is that it should govern itself with a democratically-elected parliament answerable to nobody except its electorate. We should trade and co-operate with other nation states worldwide in a spirit of friendship, but from a position of strength.

I'm sorry if that concept is alien to what M Kershaw believes, but I for one

will continue to campaign for my country's independence.

Christopher Kingsley,

St Andrews Close, Moreton-on Lugg, Hereford.