IT was a case of "service with a smile" when the awards were handed out at Bidford TC last weekend.

Saturday's presentation afternoon saw the majority of the ambitious club's 50 junior members on court.

It's proved another summer of success for the section that has taken advantage of a newly established coaching course with help from Penny Harris and the Warwickshire LTA.

County junior champion, Lyanne Supperstone, supervised a coaching session before WLTA secretary, Tony Eskew and South Warwickshire area chairman, John Lovett, presented the prizes.

Club chairman, Simon Price, was presented with a commemorative china plate embossed with the LTA Badge to mark the occasion of the club's 50th anniversary.

Junior awards - under-16 boys champion: Adam Perry, runner-up, Fred Lesser. Under-16 girls champion: Emily Hemus, runner-up, Sophie Hemus. Beginners champion: Robert Perry, runner-up, Felicity Davies. Round-Robin U-16 winner, Adam Perry, runner-up, Gus Mulley. Round-Robin 'beginner' winner: Clare Palmer, runner-up, Felicity Davies. Medals of merit: Jonathan Davies, Hayley Hanks, Gabrielle Hanks, Georgina Price. Junior boy of 2001: Yu San Chan. Junior girl: Hayley Hanks.