The county Christmas shopping drip to Oxford has been arranged for November 28.

Members are making a collection in memory of past president and secretary Dorothy Szymanski, for a trophy to be presented annually for the "Flower of the Month" competition.

Sue Stone is organising a trip to Droitwich brine baths.

Most of the September meeting was devoted to the Produce, Cookery and Craft Show, entered by 20 members, with 81 entries.

Winners: cookery and overall winner Sheila Bubb, horticulture Dot Pickering, floral Pat Downton, craft and painting Alison Simpson, open novice Liz Davies and Monica Powell, most deserving member Maureen White. Sainsbury's, the Co-Op and Gainsborough House hotel had provided the prizes.

The group meeting will be held on October 4 and members can only attend if their names are on the list. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Pat Downton.