GARDEN CLUB: The August meeting speaker was Mr Paul Williams on the subject of 'Container Planting'. He was the head gardener at Bourton House for 15 years but is now a freelance writer and lecturer and has produced three garden books. In the course of his talk he outlined the use of containers which included terracotta pots and a toilet and ballcock. The competition 'Vase of Variegated or Coloured Foliage' was won by Diane Stacey. Hazel Bartlett was second and Christine Savage third. The September meeting will be next Monday at the usual time and venue. The speaker being Kim Hurst on 'Herbs'. Competition: 'Jam Jar of Herbs'.

DISABILITY ADVICE AND INFORMATION (DIAL): Did you know you can get information and advice on disability issues in Broadway? DIAL South Worcester will have a member of staff at 'Signpost', 4 Keil Close, Broadway next Monday from 1-3pm. They will provide a free and confidential advice session. If you are a disabled person, a carer, a member of the health and social services, or just someone who needs information just drop in. We are there to help you get the answers you need.