100 years ago - September 21, 1901

MARK Smith, a labourer of no fixed abode, was charged with being drunk and disorderly in Bridge Street on September 16. He pleaded guilty. He was fined 5s and costs of 4s, or seven days. He went down.

50 years ago - September 22, 1951

EVESHAM Town Council has refused to allot council houses to policemen except through their points system. To the Housing Committee on Monday evening, the borough treasurer and housing manager Mr Sidney Geary reported that damage was constantly being done to the council's housing estates to trees, fences and walls. He asked the committee to reconsider the decision not to grant housing facilities to members of the police force. His report said that knowledge of a policeman about would act as a crime deterrent.

25 years - September 23, 1976

WATER rationing may be introduced in part of the Vale of Evesham and the rest of the Severn Trent Water Authority area by November. It would mean that water supplies would be cut off for 12 hours a day, increasing to longer periods unless the situation improves.