FOLK in Stourport are putting the finishing touches to a 10-day feast of music, art and worship which begins tomorrow.

The Festival of Angels programme in Areley Kings will bring young and old together for fun and worship in the village extravaganza, which is based at St Bartholomew's Church. Stephen Smith and John Lepper, of Stourport's Lock House Country Furniture, who have made the new St Bartholomew's Church altar to be unveiled at the festival.

Highlights include the first view of the festival exhibition, entitled Messengers and Messages, which will feature paintings, prints, sculptures and hangings on the theme of angels in church, tomorrow at 6pm.

The following evening at 7.30pm an audience will be treated to a piano and violin recital by Michael Jones and Eric Klein, called Stars of the Morning, at Stourport's St Michael's Church at 7.30pm.

Other spectacles include a performance of Songs of Russia by the Blagovest Ensemble from St Petersburg who will sing music of the Russian Orthodox Church and a selection of folk songs on Sunday at 6.30pm.

On Monday six recently commissioned icons or Stations of the Resurrection at St Bartholomew's, produced by Hilary Baker and John Burgin, will be unveiled.

Children can enjoy an "angel" day at The Old School Centre, Areley Common, which will include workshops and worship in music, drama and crafts, led by Leslie Towey and Pat Wheeler between 10.30am and 3.30pm on Saturday, September 29.

St Bartholomew's rector Rev Andrew Vessey said: "We believe the arts are a gift from God, to be used to bridge between the world and the church, sadly so often divided or unrecognised.

"The arts are a way of people of all ages and cultures discovering their real abilities and therefore also discovering God."

He added: "In the light of the recent tragic events in America this provides an opportunity for people to feel the comfort of worship in what promises to be a fabulous festival."

Open days at the church take place between 10am and 5pm on Saturday and 11am and 4pm on Sunday, before the festival is rounded off with a celebratory service at 3pm on Sunday, September 30 with choral music and readings led by the Oakville Singers.

Most of the events take place in or around St Bartholomew's Church unless otherwise stated in the programme.

These are available from Rev Vessey on 01299 822868.