IN response to the leaflet from the Christadelphians that was distributed last week promoting a course on how to read the Bible effectively, I would ask your readers to note the following points.

Christadelphians doctrine:

Denies the Trinity

Denies the Deity of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit

Denies Satan as a real person.

Such beliefs are totally unbiblical and therefore to offer people a course on a Bible with such omissions is to deceive them.

I am sure the organisers of this course are sincere and mean well, but let people be clear about the beliefs of Christadelphianism.

To learn to read the Bible effectively is to come to know the author, God himself.

And the Bible makes it clear that He can only be fully known through Jesus Christ, the sinless Son of God, God in the flesh, the Saviour of the world, who bore all of our sins on Himself on the Cross.

Death couldn't hold him because He's God, and He offers forgiveness, peace, purpose, joy and eternal life to all who will come to him.

That's the Good News of the Bible!

Rev Andy Kelso


Christ Church
