Stripping and Finishing - in a weekend by Jane Davies.

(Merehurst, £5.99)

If, like me, you are amused and amazed by some of the projects undertaken on TV makeover programs, this book may inspire you.

It never ceases to surprise me that silk purses can be made out of a sows' ears - if you know how!

This project book, one of a series for DIYers is easy to read, easy to use and has copious illustrations - a must for me. There are several examples featured; fireplaces, furniture and mirrors are given special treatments. These methods can be adapted to many items you might have in the loft, or would make a favourite, to make that shabby piece look new again.

There are lists of tools and materials required and a timetable for ease of work.

A list of techniques, and technical information helps in understanding some of the principles of this kind of work and there is a troubleshooting section.

There is also a useful directory of suppliers, a glossary, and heaps of inspiration.

Annie Dendy