A SPECTACULAR firework display marked the official opening of Holt Millennium Green.

A pig roast, music and children's entertainer were just some of the highlights which attracted a surprising number of visitors.

Tim Brookes, chairman of the Holt Millennium Green trustees opened the event in Holt Heath on Saturday.

The project was started in December when 5.5 acres of agricultural land overlooking the Severn valley were bought.

Since then, new boundary fencing has been put up to enclose a recreation area for activities including cricket and children's play equipment.

Two hand-made wrought iron archways stand over the green. The larger arch contains panels with scenes of interest including Holt Fleet bridge and Holt Castle.

"It was a great night and a really good atmosphere," said Janet Fisher, whose husband Steve is one of the trustees for the green.

"There were a lot more people than anticipated.

"My sister said she couldn't believe how many people there were considering the size of the village."