WHEN I heard of moves to make fish shops display all fish names in Latin, I thought it was an early April Fools' joke.

But the fact that the European Union is even considering making this compulsory in 15 countries to have a common language gives serious concern.

Apart the certainty of confusing shoppers, any chip shop or fishmonger putting their customers first, by refusing to comply, would face hefty fines.

Ironically, the army of officials behind this are also planning a PR drive to tell the public how centralised bureaucracy is a thing of the past, and how public opinion will be valued. Don't believe a word.

Public use of pounds and ounces is to be banned from 2010, in spite of widespread public support. And when the Irish people gave a thumbs-down to a Treaty centralising even more powers, they were told that this would not be allowed to stand.

European Commission plans released this summer call for even more regulations, and regional government to be set up to help new unelected agencies (quangos) to enforce them.

Given that we could still carry on trading with the continent, the time has come to break free of the whole mess and run our own country.

Anyone wanting a free copy of my fact sheet showing how this can be done should send a SAE to me at PO Box 13199, London SW6.


New Alliance.