A COMMUNITY-spirited secretary hung up her notepad and pencil for good when she retired from a city pharmacy yesterday.

Jean Kennedy, who has worked for Ogle's Chemist for 22 years, said she was looking forward to spending more time with her husband Ian, who retired two years ago.

She originally worked as a personal assistant to owner Dennis Ogle, who started the St John's business in 1969.

Staff at the chemist's bought in cakes and flowers to say a sad farewell, after they held a three-minute silence in memory of the victims of Tuesday's terrorist attacks in America.

"It was a sad, sunny day," said Mrs Kennedy.

"It's strange to walk away and think I am not going back."

Mrs Kennedy has also been secretary to St John's Residents and Traders Association since it re-started about nine years ago.

"We have worked very hard to build up the membership and the whole point of it is to promote St John's on the west side of the city," she said.

"Throughout the association we have been the lions behind the organisation of the mediaeval fayre and we have fought battles with new issues such as having a Tesco in St John's."

Mrs Kennedy joined Ogle's in 1979, just as its owner was expanding the premises.

"It is two or three times larger than it was when I first joined," said the 60-year-old.

Mrs Kennedy, who has three children and two grandchildren, is a strong Women's Institute member in the village of Rushwick, where she lives and will continue with her work there.

"She was an ocean of calm in a very busy pharmacy," said Mr Ogle.

"Her ability to handle staff, customers and company representatives was well-known and appreciated.

"Jean promises to stay in touch with the pharmacy and the Traders' Association will almost certainty call on her skills for some time to come."