A NEW York policeman married to a Worcester woman has spoken of his anguish in the wake of the terrorist attack which has devastated the city.

Dominique Avallone, who works in Manhattan, has told of horror stories from colleagues who have been dragging bodies from the rubble of the World Trade Centre.

He has been helping to organise the rescue operation, and says the mood of the city is grim in the wake of the disaster.

"I don't think there are any words to describe what has happened in this city. It's unbelievable," he said.

"We all knew this day could come and put measures in place, but how do you prepare for something like this?

"I've heard some horror stories from ex-colleagues who are at the scene. Some of them have been close to death or have seen others die.

"People are extremely melancholy, but very supportive, and we've had many offers of food and assistance from the public."

Dominique married Worcester-born wife Julia, in 1995, in New York.

The former Christopher Whitehead High pupil was at a school on the other side of the city at the time of the tragedy.

But her mother Bernadette Blain, of Hopton Street, St John's, could not get in touch with the couple for hours after the disaster and was frantic with worry.

She also fears Dominique may be in great danger from other buildings in Manhattan, which are unstable and could fall at any time.

"I'm very concerned for his safety because some of the buildings are so unsafe where he is working," she said.

"I had to wait about 10 hours after the disaster to hear from either of them, which was terrible, but I'm just relieved they're all right."