HEARTBREAKERS (15) stars Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt as a mother-and-daughter con team setting sights on millionaire Gene Hackman.

It is on at Malvern Cinema from today (Friday) until Monday at 7.30pm with 3pm matinees on Saturday and Sunday.

Lucky Break (12) is the new comedy from the director of The Full Monty, starring James Nesbitt, Timothy Spall and Celia Imrie. A group of prisoners plan to break out under cover of staging a musical.

Lucky Break is on from Tuesday until Thursday at 7.30pm, with a 3pm matinee on Thursday.

On Wednesday at 7.45pm in the Forum is Before Night Falls (15), Julian Schnabel's biopic of Cuban writer Renaldo Arenas, persecuted by Castro for politics and homosexuality.