MR Blamire's and other letters to Christopher Kingsley last week have missed the point completely of the UKIP's wish to 'KEEP THE POUND'.

There is no wish at all to do away with metric, indeed, metric and imperial have worked well side by side for years - because we had a choice, that is what we want - to choose our way of living and not to be governed by other than our own elected MPs.

Mr Kershaw seemed to find no difficulty going back to our glorious past quoting Alexander Pope and Edit Cavell and why not, even if it was out of context! Whilst Mr Hopwood was, well, trivial. Gentlemen please get and read the policy of the UKIP, don't guess. I promise you will be pleasantly surprised.

When all the family silver has been sold - we will all be the poorer for it.

W M GOODACRE, UKIP, Queens Court, Ledbury.

NB to Mr Kershaw: Presumably the fighting in the Balkans is not a war and not in Europe?