MEMBERS of Malvern Town Action Group have revealed what they claim will be the full cost of former town clerk and treasurer Stuart McDonough's recent employment and early retirement.

After fighting to have exempt financial business put in the public domain at last Thursday's full meeting, Coun Keith Phillips alleged that payments made to the former clerk would total £400,000.

"I think it's perfectly reasonable to put it in the public domain that the total cost is likely to be £400,000. It's something that should be in the public domain," he told the council.

The estimated amount is said to include pension payments on the basis that Mr McDonough lives for another 40 years.

The council actually passed a motion, proposed by Coun Graham Myatt early in the meeting, resolving that all debate on questions surrounding the early retirement of the former town clerk be deferred until an inquiry by the District Auditor is complete and a report available.

Coun Phillips put forward another motion which successfully challenged the exclusion of press and public for agenda items, including details of payments to officers.

He asked the mayor to justify a payment in lieu of holiday to Mr McDonagh of £3,750.18, to which she repl-ied the council approved it.

Asked about an 'ex gratia' payment made to the former clerk of £7,500, the mayor said it was for excessive overtime. Coun Phillips called it an "extraordinary figure". On the question of a lieu of notice payment of £11,337.75, he said the former clerk had retired and not resigned, so should not have been paid. The mayor said advice had been taken and it was felt the right thing to do in the circumstances.

When Coun Phillips went on to ask about a lump sum payment of some £10,200, the mayor suggested the discussion stop there and members were assured that more information regarding to the council's financial reports will be available at a special meeting on September 27.